
Experience 💼

  • 07/23 - Now
    Research Data Engineer, The University of Sheffield
    • Collaborating with academics from various disciplines to develop their data and software products into research workflows.
    • Delivering consultations and technical training to support researchers and students across the university.
  • 06/21 - 07/23
    Data Coach, Multiverse
    • Developed the next generation of data analysts and data scientists through one-to-one coaching and group delivery, enabling businesses to thrive through their digital transformations.
    • Created pedagogical solutions for the technical development of a team of +80 coaches on topics such as data mining using web scraping and natural language processing, time series forecasting, and clustering techniques for pattern recognition.

Education 🎓

  • 09/17 - 07/21
    Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, The University of Sheffield
  • 09/12 - 06/17
    M.Sci. Physics with Astrophysics, University of Glasgow (1st Class)
    • Master's Thesis - A Statistical Analysis of Type III Solar Radio Bursts.
    • Modules with over 85% GPA include: Relativistic quantum field theory, General relativity and gravitation, Astronomical data analysis, Dynamics, electrodynamics and relativity.

Skills 💻

  • Programming
    • Python (8 years), Git, Linux/Bash, MATLAB (3 years), CSS, HTML, IDL (2 years), JavaScript (1 year).
  • General
    • Coaching, mentoring, data science, mathematical and statistical modelling, technical writing.

Hobbies 🌱

  • In my spare time, I enjoy working out, playing chess and learning some song I'm obsessed with on the piano!